Author Archives: Sol G., ALB Candidate

As of first post… Age: 32. Years in Extension School: 2.5. Credits to go: 100. (Don’tthinkaboutit, don’tthinkaboutit, don’tthinkaboutit…)

No one ever wondered whether I would go to school. They wondered what took me so long. One thing that I like- no, this is something that I love- about the Extension School is that no one asks you, “Why didn’t you go to college?”

In the end, that question doesn’t matter. All that matters is that when you’re ready, you go, and now we’re here.

School is part of the goal, part of the plan, but it’s also a constant in the balance I’m trying to find in my life. Daily life is the mix of experiencing life as a humanist, a student, a partner, a gardener, a part-time vegetarian, a drinker of tea and an unapologetically bad poet; a writer of stories and an overworked office employee. A psych student, a math beginner, a dog and cat owner. We’re all made up of these pieces. To me, finding balance means making sure that nothing important falls, while making sure I stay on the growing edge.

Finding balance between the relationships in my life, the work in my life, the books in my life, and still feeling like I have any life to parcel out between these things is hard… but it’s worth it. It’s different, being an undergraduate at school while already experiencing a full adult life. It’s worth talking about, and it’s worth sharing. Welcome to my experience, and I look forward to learning about yours.

Sol G. Writes, “Getting Ready For Fall 2012.”

…one of the things to talk about in getting ready for fall is assessing exactly what you are going to be able to do, since only you know the circumstances of your life.

Sol G. Writes, “A new year, a new you?”

You can’t expect the same person to do something different when given the same situation and no new information. If you want different results, you need to change what you’re doing. If you want to lose weight, stop relying on a resolution to do it, because if you’re relying solely on willpower, it’s going to fail the first morning you realise that bed is a much more comfortable place than the gym at 5 AM.

Sol G. writes, “Harvard at 375”

Wow. Well, we’re all shaking the confetti from our hair still, and I have to admit, I’m still cleaning it out of my shoes. The downpour was drenching, the Yard was packed, and the Extension School was well represented!

Sol G. Writes, We’re Harvard. Let’s Vote Like It!

Harvard University Maxwell Dworkin, Room G115 33 Oxford Street  6:30 PM. Be there. Bring your ID. We are having elections. Yes, “us”. You and I. I’m going to mention that I am running for a post: in the interests of full disclosure, yes. I am. But I’m not going to talk about that part here, because […]

Sol G. Writes, Meet HESA! Also, the Writing Center.   Who is HESA?   HESA is our student organization. That’s right, yours and mine. You may not have realized, when you signed up, that we even had one. You may think of the Extension School as just a loose group of students, all over the world… we meet in classes, but we’re not […]

Sol G. Writes: It’s time! Let’s get started!

I’m so excited. We’re back! It’s the end of August, we’re all scrambling to get into classes and trying to remember how we ever had time last spring. I’m signed up for the psychology of creativity class highlighted this semester on the main page

Sol G. Says, “Evaluate your courses!”

Yes, I’m studying for a midterm. But did you know that Boston National Park is right here, with an events calendar to help you find something to do? One thing that I highly recommend is the midnight storytelling program. At midnight, participants get to retrace Paul Revere’s ride, learning what actually happened. Hint: the poem was not the whole story.

Sol G. Says, “Evaluating Research Papers Starts With Knowing How to Read Them.”

I sat there, looking at the research report that expressed the results of a study, and I surreptitiously looked around. Was it just me? Was I the only one for whom none of this made sense? What was this supposed to mean- was I stupid, and only now discovering it?

Sol G writes: Listening club, you say? Also, check out HESA Connect!

If you haven’t checked out the new HESA connect site, I strongly encourage it. The interface is intuitive, and you can use you address to sign up. I find it a little too facebookish in some ways, but it’s clearly gaining momentum, and it’s actually pretty good. There are a lot of ways to customize your experience there, and boards for some of the interesting courses and groups. One of the things I found that interested me was the possibility of a Listening club forming.

Sol G. says: BRRR! Dressing safely for the cold.

By now, you’ve discovered New England’s terrible secret: we can live with the cold. Not happily-oh, no- but with dogged determination. In spite of weather that makes ice cubes of our tears, we don’t move to places that make more sense.